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 Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack

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King Dog
King Dog

Number of posts : 458
Age : 49
City name : bigville
Mayor name : biggie
resource 1 : Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack Wheat
resource 2 : Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack Fish
Registration date : 2008-10-24

Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack Empty
PostSubject: Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack   Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack EmptyTue Dec 09, 2008 5:56 pm

Quote :
Mutual Pact of Non-Aggression between FEAR and WolfPack


The countries of FEAR and WolfPack hereby agree to follow all terms outlined in this document. This document is designed to provide all members of said countries with formal guidance in regards to diplomatic relations with the other country.

Article I – Recognition of Sovereign Status

Both countries recognize the Sovereignty of each country and all member cities held within. Neither country shall commit any act of aggression that would threaten, impede or revoke this status.

Article II – Definition of Aggression

Aggression will be considered an offensive act by the opposing nation. The following will be considered an offensive act.

a. Intentional or Un-Intentional use of military force on the opposing nation or member cities.
b. Any use of espionage to obtain classified information within City Empires, public and private chat-rooms, or Message boards. Classified information shall be considered anything that is not posted within the public section of said areas.
c. A written threat on any of the previously mentioned public sections of said areas.

Article III – Course of resolution

If an act of Aggression is committed, both parties agree to the following method of resolution.

a. A diplomatic channel shall be opened between the MoFA of each country. A government member equal or senior that of the MoFA may be substituted.
b. The members of both governments shall open an inquiry into the act of aggression, and shall determine the cause and if reparations shall be paid.
c. No counter attacks shall be committed during this time of inquiry.
d. Both counties must agree on the outcome of the inquiry, and that both counties interest are satisfied.

Article III – Communication

Both counties shall have an open and timely method of communication with each other. FEAR shall have an Embassy for the opposing nation within their Embassy Hall on their Forum.

Article IV – Trade

Under this pact all member cities of both nations are allowed open and free trade with any other member city.

Article V – Previous and Future Pacts

Any current or future pacts with other nations that are not listed within this pact, shall not affect this pact. This pact is considered autonomous in nature and shall not be inclusive of any other pact.

Article VI – Defense

This pact does not include mutual defense.

Article VII – Offense

This pact does not include mutual offense.

Article VIII – Dissolution

Dissolution of this pact will result if any of the following are met:

a. If either party commits an act of aggression, and article III fails

b. If either party gives a 72 Hour notice of intent to dissolve this pact.

In either scenario this pact shall stay in effect for 72 hours from the time official dissolution is given to the opposing country. All sections of this pact will remain in full force during this stay

Signed for the Wolf_Pack:

Cookiemonster - Alpha

KingHassan - High Consul

Signed for FEAR



Tonka-Minister of Interal Affairs

Akh Berry-Minister of Finance

bobby-Minister of Foreign Affaris
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